#Most of the time, I don't think the same problem as me occured, but I leave a message for someone just in case like me.There was an infinite conflict message, so I definitely controlled conflict , but there was a warning of conflict again!! . "Unresolved conflict remaining."
The interesting part was that GraphFragment was definitely my part, so Modified has to come up, but nothing came up like below.
The DB part was also done by my team member, so Modified should appear, but it didn't. Wow, I thought I was going crazy for allday.
There seemed to be an error related to git. Personally, I've been touching merge error. and since I failed merging, I tried another Mudge without canceling it in the middle. Android Studio didn't seem to be able to handle the hidden Merge part.
When I checked the status of git through cmd, I could see there was an Unmerged path. So, I put them all on the stage by typing "git add ." After that, I tried push. Then, those parts that were not being added to the git status popped up in android alarm. it said to fix the conflict again( which was in unmerged paths) . So i fixed the conflict like i did before. and i finally fixed the infinite git conflict problem
anyway you guys can set back the code status(commit status) right before the pull by "git reset --hard ORIG_HEAD "